To set product pricing, discounts, and shipping options in the settings and product tabs efficiently.
Key Steps:
- Settings Tab:
- Navigate to the settings tab.
- Control the description of each quote.
- Add a fixed fee or a percentage on top of the live rate for all products.
- Product Tab:
- Go to the product tab.
- Click on edit for the specific product.
- Add a discount to the live rate.
- Set a fixed shipping cost or add an additional fee on top.
- Choose to enable free shipping or not for the product.
- Bulk Actions:
- Export products to Excel.
- Make necessary changes in Excel.
- Re-import the updated file to apply changes in bulk.
Cautionary Notes:
- Ensure accuracy when setting pricing and shipping options to avoid discrepancies in customer orders.
- Double-check all changes before finalizing to prevent errors in product pricing.
Tips for Efficiency:
- Use templates or predefined settings for common pricing and shipping options to save time.
- Regularly review and update product pricing and shipping settings to stay competitive in the market.