We are pleased to introduce our enhanced packaging calculation feature designed to provide you with accurate shipping dimensions and weights for your orders. Here’s how it works:
When Packaging Dimensions Are Provided #
If the packaging dimensions are filled in (even if some values are zero), our system calculates the final shipping dimensions and weight using the following steps:
- Length and Width:
- Select the Larger Value: We compare the product’s length and width and take the larger of the two. This ensures the packaging accommodates the largest dimension of your product.
- Height:
- Combine Heights: We add the product’s height to the packaging’s height. This accounts for any additional height from the packaging materials.
- Weight:
- Combine Weights: We add the product’s weight to the packaging’s weight to determine the total shipping weight.
Example Calculation #
Product Dimensions: L= 120 W=140 H=70 Weight = 105Kg
- From above example final dimensions would be
L= 120 W=140 H=70 Weight = 105Kg
IF Qty of product is > 1 then we apply step 1 as above, however for;
step 2, we multiply Qty with Product Weight then add Packaging Weight
Step 3, we multiply Qty with Product Weight then add Packaging WeightFor example, if there was 5 qty of the item above, the final calculation would be
L= 120
Example ScenarioCart Qty = 6Then Quote should be sent for 1 item with L=15 W=8 H=96 (6×16) weight 6 kg (6 x 1kg)
Expected results
- W=140
H= (5 x 40) + 30 = 200 + 30 = 230
Weight = (5 x 90) + 15 = 360 + 15 = 375 kg